The Association named: European Institute for Family Life Education (EIFLE) (Institut Européen d'Education Familiale - IEEF) is founded by the present members agreeing the following statutes according to the law of 1st July 1901 and the decree of 16th August 1901.
The objectives of the Association are to promote the values of family life and family life education including in particular the study of fertility and its regulation by natural means. Its work will take place in an international context.
The Association will provide help to its members for this work as well as scientific and medical research appropriate to achieving these objectives.
ARTICLE 3 - Registered Office
The registered office, originally based at 16 place Notre-Dame 38000 Grenoble,
is transferred to 22 Boulevard Mar‚chal Leclerc, 38000 Grenoble from 20th
August 1996.
It can be transferred by the sole decision of the administrative board of directors. Ratification by the general assembly will be necessary.
ARTICLE 3a - Belgian address
An office is opened in Belgium at the following address: IEEF s/c CERF (Centre d'Etude et de Recherche pour la Famille), 38 rue Xavier Neujean, 4000 Liége.
The Association comprises member organisations agreed by the board of directors which makes a decision at each of its meetings about the applications submitted for membership. To have the right to vote at the general assembly the member organisations must be up to date with the subscription which will be fixed each year by the general assembly.
By a motion proposed by the board of directors, the general assembly recognises as honorary members - the foundation members and those individuals who have given excellent service to the Association. Honorary members may take part in the discussions of the general assembly in an advisory capacity.
ARTICLE 5 - Removal
Membership will cease by:
- Resignation
- Death
- On the decision of the board of directors for non payment of the subscription or for a serious reason, the member concerned having been invited by registered letter to present himself/herself before the board to provide an explanation.
ARTICLE 6 - Resources
The resources of the Association comprise:
- The total amount of subscriptions.
- Grants from Governments, National and International Organisations.
- All amounts donated or remitted to the Association in respect of present laws.
- The yield of eventual investments.
ARTICLE 7 - Board of Directors
The Association is controlled by a board composed of members elected by the general assembly. The number of board members comprises between 5 & 15. They are elected for 3 years, can stand again for 3 years, but must then stand down for the next year, before standing again for re-election - to be effective from the elections in Birmingham 1997.
The executives of the board are composed of:
- A president
- One or more vice presidents
- A secretary
- A treasurer
The president is elected by the general assembly. The other executives are chosen by the board of directors from amongst its members by secret ballot. The past president may be invited by the new president to participate in the board meetings during the period of time decided by the new president. No voting rights can be attached to this invitation.
The board of directors meets in principle once every six months convened by the president. A meeting may also be convened at the request of a quarter of its members only if no other board meeting has been held in the last six months. Decisions are made by a majority vote of those present; in the case of a split vote the president has the casting vote.
Every member of the board who, without excuse, has not attended three consecutive meetings will be considered to have resigned.
No one is able to be part of the board who is not of adult age.
ARTICLE 8 - Ordinary General Assembly
The ordinary general assembly comprises all the members of the Association, whatever the title they have to be affiliated.
The ordinary general assembly meets each year. At least 15 days before the fixed date the members of the Association are convened by the president.
The agenda is sent at the same time as the notification. The president, assisted by members of the board, presides at the assembly and states the present position of the Association. The treasurer accounts for his/her management and submits the balance sheet for the approval of the assembly. After the completion of the agenda replacement members of the board will be elected by secret ballot. Decisions are taken by the majority of those present or represented by proxy. Only items submitted on the agenda can be dealt with during the general assembly.
ARTICLE 9 - Extraordinary General Assembly
If necessary, or at the request of a half plus one members of the Association, the president can convene an extraordinary general assembly which can validly deliberate provided at least half of the members are present. In the event of the quorum not being present the extraordinary assembly will be reconvened in a fortnight on the initiative of the president who in this case will confer with and take the majority decision of the members present.
ARTICLE 10 - By-laws
By-laws can be drawn up by the board of directors for approval by the general assembly. This Article is intended to decide points not anticipated by these statutes, in particular those which deal with the internal administration of the Association.
ARTICLE 11 - Dissolution
In the event of dissolution being approved by at least two-thirds of the members present at a general assembly, one or more liquidators are named by the general assembly and the assets, if any, are allotted in accordance with article 9 of the law of 1st July 1901 and with the decree of 16th August 1901.
The Statutes were written at Grenoble on 11th April 1992, by the founder members, and registered at the préfecture of l'Isére on 28th April 1992, under the number of the association 1/20655. Published in the Journal Officiel de la République Francaise No. 21, on 20th May 1992.
The Statutes were modified at the general assembly on 28th June 1996, and registered at the préfecture of l'Isère on 17th September 1996. Published in the Journal Officiel No. 40 on 20th October 1996.
Similarly registered at Liége (Belgium). Published in the Moniteur Belge on 24th October 1996, under No. 23595/96.
The Statutes were modified by the general assembly on 18th September 1997, and registered at the préfecture of l'Isère on 18th November 1997. Published in the Journal Officiel on 13th December 1997, under No. 591.
Similarly registered at Liége (Belgium). Published in the Moniteur Belge on 14th May 1998, No. 8902.8914, p. 4826.